ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

Solid by Extrusion (Legacy)

(3D only) Used to create a solid generated by linearly extruding a profile element (text, shape, or complex shape, B-spline surface, face of a surface or solid element) a defined distance. Extrusion adds a third dimension to a plane surface. Faces formed between the original profile element and its extrusion are indicated by straight lines connecting the keypoints.

Orthogonal If on, the profile element is extruded orthogonally.
Distance If on, sets the distance, in working units, the element is extruded.
Both Directions If on, the profile element is extruded in both directions.
X Scale If on, sets the scale factor in the x-direction.
Y Scale If on, sets the scale factor in the y-direction.
Scale lock icon If on (locked), forces both X Scale and Y Scale to be the same value. Changing one will cause the same change to be applied to the other.

If off (unlocked), X Scale and Y Scale can be different values.

Spin Angle If on, sets the spin angle — the angle through which the profile is rotated as it is extruded.
Use Active Attributes If on, the extrusion is created with the element using the active attributes.

If off, the extrusion is created with the element taking the attributes of the profile element.

Keep Original If on, the original profile element is kept in the model.